Tuesday 10 September 2013


On the 6th of September, 2013 room 7 went to Mt Ruapehu for a snow trip. We had to be at school by 6:00 AM so we could get a full day of skiing or boarding. Once I had gotten my ski's and poles I went down happy valley. It was really fun. My ski lesson started at 11:00 AM and went to 1:00 PM. Once we had skied a few times Pixie and Graham hired a sled each. Taylor, Pixie, Lilly, Amy, Gramham, Daniel and I went doubles or triples down the little slope. Graham, Daniel and I went triples down the slope and Daniel slid off, then our sled flipped. Graham chased the sled then jumped into it and carried on. Once we had left the mountain we carried on our journey back to the school. We all met at the closest McDonald's and all had dinner. Because I had no other clothes to change into I changed into my onezies and everyone was starring at me like I was a weirdo. I would absoulutely go again. At one part of the day it was so hot that I wanted to keep on face planting. Next time I would go the next skill level up. The advice I would give would be to keep perserving and never give up, but make sure you wear sunblock.


  1. Yeah. Sunblock is a pretty big part of going to the snow. I definately learned my lesson and I think James definately did as well! LOL!
    The day was mean fun. I can't wait to go again!!!

    -Taylor :)

  2. Great to see you and your skills up the mountain Kayla. I agree next time you should go higher up the mountain. You had good control of your skis and I think you would do fine on the rock garden. Skiing is sport you need lots of perseverance, especially when you are learning as it is tiring and sore. What tips did you find most helpful?

    I think lots of people learnt that lesson Taylor.

  3. Lol yes you definitely learnt that lesson didn't you.

    ;) Kayla
