Monday 16 September 2013

Market Day

On Friday the 13th our school had a Market day. Most of the classes had a stall. Pixie, Amy and I made milkshakes, fuge cakes, toffee and cocnut ice. We made 615 gongs in total. Gongs was our currency just like our dollars are. I think that the day ended wel and that everyone had a great time. I bought a pillow thing that I can put my phone in and two slushies. Once the bell had gone for pack up time there was still ice-cream left in the container, so Amy shoved the ice-cream into our mouths.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah market day was really fun! It was really funny when Amy was eating the Ice-Cream! There were some really cool ventures too! Your food stall was awesome! I loved the smoothies you made! (The toffee was yum too!) I think you guys did awesome!

    -Taylor :)
