Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Athletics report

Yesterday on the 30th of October 2013 Te Pahu School was joined by students from Paterangi ranged from 8-13 year olds. The athletics was held at Te Pahu School and Paterangi came for a fun day. This was because we had athletics.

I thought we were going to have Paterangi's blue high jump mat. Their mat is half of the thickness as our one. My favourite activity was sprints. Sprints is raced on 100m tracks. I came 1st= with my best frien Pixie, so we had to race again and I ended up coming first. I was raelly nervous at the start of the races because it was so close between me and Pixie.

My second favourite was long jump. I came first in thyat as well. Everyone would talk to each other about how far they jumped and pretty much everyone jumped further than me. But once everyone had finished one of the teachers said to Pixie that I had bumped her down and I had no idea about what she was meaning.
I came first out of the girls in hurdles, long jump, high jump and sprints. I came second in discus and shot put. I think  I'm more of a track person.
Today I have really sore legs and it was also 1000m but I didn't participate, instead I counted the laps.
Next time I would like to jump higher than I did in high jump. I have jumped 1.25m before but this year I couldn't even jump 1.20m or 1.18m. I was so gutted.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Pirongia Forest Lodge Park

Pirongia Forest PArk Lodge was buzzing with children from Te Pahu and Pirongia Schools. On Friday week 1 of term 4 Te Pahu and Pirongia Schools went to Pirongia Forest Park Lodge to clear and plant a few hundred plants in araeas around the outdoor classroom.

Ok so the outdoor classroom was looking pretty boring so the two schools spice it up a bit. We all got to plant some plants and I'm pretty sure everyone had a great time.Kate the warden also whipped us up some morning tea. Juice and biscuits "yay!" After that it was back to the hard work.

Once we had planted every single plant there was everyone including the parents and the teachers tidied up. We returned all of the gear back to the people who owned it. Walking yp the big hill was hard work, my knees ached so much, but I got over it n the end. Pirongia Schol left befor Te Pahu School and we got a big THANK YOU from Kate. Te Pahu made their way back to Te Pahu School with some great memories.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Ag day report

On the 16th of October lambs, goats and calves were making alot of noise at Te Pahu School. Te Pahu school pupils competed in a Ag day with either a calf, lamb, goat or alternative challenges which are challenges you do at home instead of a animal. Friends, family and other supporters came to cheer the pupils on. The PTA ran this activity and they also had a food stall. Kids either had a choice of an animal or alternative challenges I got to wat I thought that it was the most coldest Ag day that I had ever been to. I interviewed Taylor Begovich about her day."How did you prepare your Ag day challenge?" She replied with, "Well I had to make a plan first and after I new what I was doing I had to collect everything I needed. Then I was off." "I constructed a 3D multimedia ukelele canvas. After that I made the final touches and brought it to school." "What did you feel when you won out of the yr 7/8's for your challenge?" "I didn't really feel anything, I guess I was pretty glad though." "Did everything go according to plan?" "Yeah most of it did I think." "What did you do during the day?" "I was the photographer runner which means I had to go around telling everyone to get their photo done with their animal and mark them off once they had their photo taken." I was watching the intermediate lambs. The competitions were rearing, M.O.P and leading. Lot's of people won ribbons of all sorts of colours. I'm sure everyone had a great time and with alot of ribbons hanging on their wall.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Speed Tests

Ok so we have these speed test things we do on a Friday morning.
1: 1-10 times tables
2: 3-12 times tables
3: Division
4: Conversion
5: Knowledge
6: Factors.
Now there didn't used to be a factors speed test but I finished all of the speed tests. I thought I didn't have to do it anymore, but Mr Marquand made a new one so that I could keep on doing the speed tests. But now I have finished the factors one, I wonder what one Mr Marquand will make next?