Thursday 5 December 2013

Barney the dinosaur..... - Creative writing

I stumble through the long grass that is pulling and strangling my legs. It's like I'm hunting through the woods again but I'm not, I'm far from it. I come to a dark and eerie clearing. I can't breath. All I can smell is something rotting beneath me. A water fall rushes and roars into a river. Above it is a building with tall towers in every shape and size. It looms over me with great power. I race towards the castle-like building like I'm running a marathon, stopping 1 metre before the door. I stare at the windows and a ghostly shadow passes through one. In fear, I turn around to run back but the mist blocks my view. I can smell a sweet smell of chocolate cake and I run across a deathly bridge, but I'm to blubbery and I plummet through the wood. Soaked, I attempt to climb the mountain that stares at me in pain. A rock breaks off and I face plant into a rock as sharp as a knife. In hell I knock the door and hear the echo go on and on. The door carefully creaks open and I step inside. Suddenly I get murded by Barney the dinosaur! I didn't want to be murded by a dinosaur, I wanted to be murded by a zombie. Well there goes that dream.

Created by Taylor and Kayla.

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