Wednesday 27 November 2013

Melted Crayon Art

This term we did melted crayon art. My idea that I had picked was a dolphin under the water. But someone came up to me and asked what I was doing, as a joke I said I was doing a peacock. It was the first thing that came to my head. Then after I had said that Mr Marquand said that the peacock idea could work. I ended up changing my idea to a peacock. One of the hard things was trying to carefully indian ink the peacock body on. I like the peacock and in the flower art show thing I came 1st. I'm really proud of what I did.

Tuesday 12 November 2013


Lets talk about energy.
Over the last few weeks we have been learning about energy. So what is energy?  The conservation of energy is that energy cannot be created or destroyed it only can be transformed, that means that no matter what thee will always be the same amount of energy in the world. Sound is a form of energy and sound travels. Sound can travel through solids, liquids and air, but sound travels better through solids and liquids than air. Sound travels through air at 332m per second. Sound travels in sound waves. If you get a slinky and get two people to hold each end and one person kind of shakes it you can see how it pulses along to the end and back to the start.

The things that have helped me understand energy and how it works is watching video clips on youtube, having examples shown to me like experiments, reading about it and looking at some pictures.

Are radio waves the same as sound waves?
Do radio waves travel through space?
What happens if sound waves and radio waves hit each other?

I found out some really interesting things about energy.
- I found out that light travels 7 times around the world in one second.
- Sound travels 332m per second through air.
- How lightning and thunder works.
- You can't hear sound in a vacum (because there's no air molecules).
- When sound moves through the air it vibrates the molecules around it and that carries the sound.

Sunday 3 November 2013

The day my sister tried to cook me - creative writing

I was hungry and was whinning for food. I ran to my mum bumping into the ironning board. The hot iron toppled onto my older sister. With a scream of agony I knew she would have revenge.

She told me and mum that she would get me something to eat. When I was sitting down, she yanked me out of the chair, put me into a box and taped it up. I heard clattering and the sound of a chair painfully scraping in the kitchen. Just as I was about to cry, the box opened and she grabbed me and roughly pulled me out. She sat me on a pan, a pan on the stove. To my left was mums seasonings. I wonder why they were there? I heard ticking then saw a red thing pop out from underneath me. Then my bottom was burning. I was slowly turning into KFC. I screamed at the top of my lungs and then I saw an angel. "Mummy!" I yelled. She grabbed me out of the pan and smothered me in glad wrap.

My burns were so bad that I was in hospital for 4 weeks. When I returned home my older sister was no where to be found.

Created by Kayla and Taylor.